Saturday, June 6, 2015


Once we realize that everything that we have ever done according to our own will has been a sin, then we realize that there is no such thing as being a better sinner or a worse sinner.

The person that believes in their heart that they have sinned the least against The Father, is the one who is the closest to losing their Salvation.

The Only ONE who has ever done anything Good through us has been God Himself. We get absolutely no credit whatsoever.

Like the Holy Bible says, God's Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

His Will.

Not our own wickedness.

We have to become Dead to ourselves and to the World, and we have to become Alive in Him. In Christ.

We in Him. He in Us.

We have to Crucify the Flesh. We have to Live in this World Counter Clockwise.

The Holy Bible clearly states that God is not a respecter of persons.

Does this mean then that any of our sins have been justified?

No, because there is no justification for sin.

Like the Holy Bible says, the wages of sin is Death.

When our own will comes through, it only wants to gratify the Human Flesh. Though the Holy Bible states that the Human Flesh is never satisfied. So it's a downward spiral from the day we are born.

So then, what can we do? How can we escape our own wills? How can we possibly avoid this Hopeless Fate?

There is only ONE WAY. Ask God to replace your will with His Will. Forever.

Like the Holy Bible says, Ask, and you shall receive.

You have to die for Him, and be resurrected by Him, like He died for you, and was resurrected for you.

You have to go to sleep one person, and wake up another.

You have to completely let go of yourself, and give Him all of you. Every part. Your whole Heart, your whole Mind, your whole Soul, and all of your Strength. This is what He wants.

Nothing less.