Friday, October 10, 2014

Celebrate The Creator

Celebrate the ONE who gives you the breath you have in your body. 

Breath is the mark of the Creator. It's what separates the living things from the non living things. Every living creature that has a Soul has to breath in order to survive. The breath in the body is the sign of movement and rest. Which is the sign within us of the Father. He also moves and rests. As He did when He created this Universe and everything in it, through His Light which rises above all else.

The Light spread out, then slowed down, then created particles, which formed matter, which formed solids and liquids and gases, which formed everything else currently in physical existence.

John 8:12: Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

From the Gospel of Thomas: (77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light (that presides) over all. It is I who am the entirety: it is from me that the entirety has come, and to me that the entirety goes. Split a piece of wood: I am there. Lift a stone, and you (plur.) will find me there."

He wasn't talking about the Sun, or any other Star for that matter. He was speaking about the very Light that our Sun itself is derived from.

If you don't already know the Holy Bible than you can get to know it by clicking on this link:

You can also listen to the Holy Bible over the internet by clicking on this link: