Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Everything that God does is perfect.
In order for God’s forgiveness to be perfect, it would have to cover all past, present, and future sins. Otherwise it wouldn’t be perfect.
There are only three things that are required for a person to have their sins be removed and forgiven by God.
The first thing that is required is for a person to hate their sin. This is an absolute requirement in the process. No one can have their sins be removed from them while they are still loving them. If a person does not hate their sin, then it means that they are loving it. It is impossible for the sin to be removed under that circumstance, which is why the Holy Bible commands us to thoroughly hate our sins. No one is responsible for removing their own sin, because no one has the power to do so. All that is required is for the person to hate their sin, and God will take care of the rest.
The second thing that is required is for a person to ask God to remove their sin from their Life. All you have to do is ask. Jesus said, “Ask, and you shall receive.” If you truly hate your sin, and if you ask God to remove it from your Life, then it will be done. It will be a process, but it will be done. His Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Not ours.
The third and final thing that is required for a person to have their sin forgiven, is to ask for God’s forgiveness once He has lifted it from your Life. It is impossible to be forgiven for a sin that you are still consciously choosing to engage in. Sincerity is everything when it comes to asking God for anything. If you are not sincere about your prayer of forgiveness, then it will be a mark against your Soul. Even though God’s forgiveness is ALWAYS available, a person must ask for it in order to receive it. Therefore, only when a person’s sin has truly been removed from their Life, are they then able to ask and receive forgiveness for it. Then they will be cleansed from that sin.
God Bless.